Sunday, March 21, 2010


Got the mail today....and lookie what was in it!!! :) WOOOOHOOOOO! just under a month away!!


Went to the Minnesota Zoo to help Tristi out today... Took photos of the Coral Reef tank! so pretty!


Shelly and I met up for dinner and drinks at Jake's in Maplewood tonight! YUM!


it's getting closer and closer to my visit out east :) We are heading up to baltimore... so tonight I checked out what kind of tickets are available for the Oriole game! sooo excited!! It'll be stadium number 9 by then.... I get to see target field first :)


The sun was BEAUTIFUL this morning on my way to work, look how big it was!!?? amazing! well, would be much better without the traffic and telephone wires...


So I am hanging out watching TV after work today, and have my hair pulled to over my shoulders on either side of my head. I am bored so i start braiding them into pig tails... then thought to myself, "my hair is long enough... i wonder if it will look like i have a beard?" so i braided my hair into a beard! yeah. weird, i know. but whatever :P


it's a sparkly snowflake! still hanging... they will soon be replaced by my baseball cap collection! can't wait for the boy's of summer to start playin!

Sunday, March 14, 2010


still working on my movie blog... even though its beautiful out.... these are the tree movies i watched today... could there BE three movies that are totally different???


Jason and I went to Joe's Crab Shack for dinner tonight... YUMYUMYUM. first time i have been there since the opened again!! Here was my drink.... Shark Attack!!


Sarah got a tat today!! i went with...made me want another one!!!


I am able to tell the world my favorite boy on IDOL, its LEE!! I am sooo happy he made it to the top 12. knew he would... love him.


All week i have been taking naps in my car at lunchtime! today it was raining! love the rain, done with snow....


Got our tickets to the Richmond NASCAR race today! yeeehawwww


Also had leftover food... mmmmmmm sooo goooood


There was some left over champagne from the party last night.... i couldn't let it go to waste!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Had a PJ party tonight :) good times, good foods, good drinks, good friends!!!


and yet another in the car photo :) hehheheehhehe
wearin the awesome bomber jacket mom got me for christmas. FINALLY! not warm enough for winter wearing :)


lots of in side a car photos this week....
My Galant hit 150,000 miles today!!! and she's still kickin!!!!


I know it really wasn't 57 today... but it made me quite excited about the spring to come :)


Went to BW3 with Kelly and Pema... forgot to take a photo till we were leaving. ooopsie. but i did take a photo!!


I would say "you know it's spring when you see potholes like this..." however.... Co Rd B has been like this for a month or two... and when you have your back tires in this pothole, your front tires are going into another one that looks JUST like this... UGH! hello city of ROSEVILLE!!!