it's getting closer and closer to my visit out east :) We are heading up to baltimore... so tonight I checked out what kind of tickets are available for the Oriole game! sooo excited!! It'll be stadium number 9 by then.... I get to see target field first :)
The sun was BEAUTIFUL this morning on my way to work, look how big it was!!?? amazing! well, would be much better without the traffic and telephone wires...
So I am hanging out watching TV after work today, and have my hair pulled to over my shoulders on either side of my head. I am bored so i start braiding them into pig tails... then thought to myself, "my hair is long enough... i wonder if it will look like i have a beard?" so i braided my hair into a beard! yeah. weird, i know. but whatever :P
it's a sparkly snowflake! still hanging... they will soon be replaced by my baseball cap collection! can't wait for the boy's of summer to start playin!
still working on my movie blog... even though its beautiful out.... these are the tree movies i watched today... could there BE three movies that are totally different???
Jason and I went to Joe's Crab Shack for dinner tonight... YUMYUMYUM. first time i have been there since the opened again!! Here was my drink.... Shark Attack!!
I would say "you know it's spring when you see potholes like this..." however.... Co Rd B has been like this for a month or two... and when you have your back tires in this pothole, your front tires are going into another one that looks JUST like this... UGH! hello city of ROSEVILLE!!!